INTERACT 2021 - Bari, Aug 30th, Sep 3rd, 2021

Interactive Demos

The Interactive demos track is looking for examples of technological advances that can make human activities easier, faster, more accurate and less costly. We encourage demonstrations of new and emerging tools and technical solutions and innovations based on current solutions.

We are interested in demonstrations in the full range of HCI-related topics, especially related to the conference theme.

A system demonstration is a live presentation of a running system. Interactive emos are curated. Submissions do not need to be anonymous.

Interactive demo papers will be published in the INTERACT 2021 conference proceedings.

If you require any further information please contact the Poster CoChairs:
Barbara Rita Barricelli, Nuno Jardim Nunes
E-mail: interactivedemos[at]


Submission: 16 April 2021, 5pm/17:00 (PST)
Notification: 28 May 2021
Camera-Ready: 11 June 2021


Reviewing process: curated
Anonymous submission: NO
No. of pages: 4 + 1 (4 pages extended abstract, including references, in LNCS format + 1 page with  technical details to run the demo)
Video:     Optional but highly recommended
Online Submission: PCS Submission System
Proceedings: Springer LNCS Series


A demonstration submission may consist of a maximum of five (4 + 1) pages in PDF format. The submission must consist of a four-page short paper and a single page summarising the technical requirements to run the demo.
Submissions must be made no later than April 16, 2021 – 23:59 PT, using the conference submission system. Papers should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS format. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, to prepare their papers. Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf.
Submissions may be accompanied by videos of any length up to 30 MB.


At the Conference
Accepted interactive demonstrations will be displayed during the conference. Authors will be expected to attend the conference and will be assigned a time and location to demonstrate their system to conference attendees. Those authors who cannot travel due to COVID-19 will be allowed to present and participate remotely in the conference.